(In dry land, a fisherman is observing a fish with his binoculars)
Fisherman: Ah, there ye be, Sydney. For fourteen years, I've been tryin' to hook ya, but you've been too clever, but not clever enough. As soon as ya get a hook at this new lure... *throws a lure resembling a female octopus, and it bounces down into the ocean*
(A carnival is taking place in Snorkland, and Allstar and Casey are riding the Shell Wheel together)
Casey: *as she eats cotton candy* Wee, isn't this fun, Allstar?
Allstar: Uh Casey, maybe you shouldn't eat that stuff up here. You might get sick or soemthing.
Casey: Oh Allstar, whould could get sick on a Shell Wheel?!
Governor Wetworth: *moaning with Mrs. Wetworth)
Occy: *tries sneaking in*
Ticket guy: Sorry, no octopi allowed.
(Dimmy and Daffney are playing soem games)
Dimmy: I'm gonna win ya a snorky doll, Daffney.
Daffney: *hugs him* Oh, Dimmy, you're so sweet!
Junior: *on water dunking bar* Nya nya, nya nya nya, you can't dunk me! Nya nya, nya nya nya, yuo can't dunk me!
Dimmy: Oh boy, Junior Wetworth, my favorite target!
Daffney: Oh, sock it to him, Dimmy!
Junior: *catches it as Dimmy throws the ball with his snork* You wanna try again, fish face? Nya nya, nya nya nya!
Daffney: Don't let it bother you, Dimmy. *throws the ball with her snork, causing it to get swallowed by a fish, then spat out and onto a turtle*
Junior: Nya nya nya nya! *laughs then the water hits the target, causing him to fall and get wet* No fair!
Vendor: *hands him doll* Here you are, fella! The little lady won ya a snorky doll!
Dimmy: *blushes in humiliation*
Tooter: *inside love boat with a blonde snork - kisses her and toots*
Girl: Oh Tooter, you're so cute!
Tooter: *giggles and hands worker a clam*
Worker: *laughs* Back again?!
Tooter: *toots*
Worker: *gets Occy off of the ride* Hey! No pets allowed!
Occy: *moans as he leaves*
Ringmaster: Hurry, hurry, hurry! See the amazing Snorktella! She jumps, she wiggles, she shakes like a jellyfish!
Occy: *sees the octopus lure bounce, and instantly falls in lvoe with her/follows her around*
Marina: *performing an act on stage* Has anybody here seen Fishy? F-I-S-H-Y?
(all are now looking at Occy following the lure)
Allstar: *laughs* It looks like Occy found himself a girlfriend!
Daffney: Oh, that poor creature! It looks like she's caught on a string!
Occy: *hearts in his eyes, still follows her*
Casey: We've got to cut her loose!
Allstar: Come on, gang!
(as they follow Occy, a house being worked on gets fallen down)
Occy: *tries giving her flowers, but doesn't respond*
Tooter: *toots as a swordfish comes near*
Casey: Yeah, we see them, Tooter.
All: *stop* A swordfish!
Occy: *grabs her and tries getting away from it*
Dimmy: Give that sucker a bong on the snout!
Casey: Yeah, but lok at the size of that snout!
Tooter: *scared*
Allstar: Oh no! Not that way, Occy! You're gonna be trapped!
Occy: *sees it as he hides in a small cave with the lure, and inks the swordfish in defense*
Allstar: *tries pushing boulder* Okay, everybody! 1, 2, 3, snork! *push it down* Hooray!
Casey: It worked!
Occy: *licks Allstar*
Allstar: *laughs* Hey easy, boy, I love you too!
(but the boulder moves)
Casey: Yikes! That swordfish is gonna break out any moment!
Allstar: We better snork out of here and warn Snorkland!
Tooter: *toots a horn*
(the swordfish break out)
Marina: *still performing on stage* And now a scene from one of my greatest triumphs, "Snorkio and Juliwet!"
Tooter: *toots alarm and everyone leaves*
Girl: It's a swordfish!
Marina: Darlings, you're offstaging me! What daring herrings do Carring Herrings do? *sees swordfish* there will be a short - intermission. *faints*
(house still being worked on still breaks by the swordfish - but the snork faints this time as well)
(now all inside the Council of Elders' place)
Allstar: Tooter, sound the alarm!
Tooter: *does so* No Tooter, I meant the real alarm. *pulls lever, and it goes off*
Governor Wetworth: *storms in* Oooh, stop, stop that racket! *turns it off* That will be enough out of you, Tooter!
Tooter: *confused*
Governor Wetworth: Yes, you.
Daffney: But Governor Wetwoth, it's an emergency.
Governor Wetworth: Emergency? What emergency? Is this some kind of a joke?
Allstar: If it is, he's not laughing.
(swordfish causes chaos all over town)
Governor Wetworth: Sound the alarm! Call out the troops! On second thought, snork for your life! *bumps into Occy and her, then caught by swordfish* Oh help me! Get me off this thing!
Allstar: Here he comes! *all jump, but lure's stuck* We've got to help Occy! *swordfish defeated*
All: Yay!
Governor Wetworth: Allstar, this is all your fault! *soon, Occy and the lure have to leave Snorkland as a police officer plays with the drums* And so, for the sake of all Snorkland, I hearby banish, beyond the limits, all octopuses, all octopeses, oh all pets with eight legs! *to Occy* He qualifies!
Occy: *moans and leaves*
Allstar: Well, *sniffs* so long, old pal.
Casey: *cries* Goodbye, Occy.
Daffney: *cries* I'll miss you.
Dimmy: Yeah. *sniffs* Me too.
Tooter: *wails as he leaves*
Governor Wetworth: And now I, I mean Snorkland, will be safe from that monstrous swordfish!
Tooter: *sticks his tongue out at him*
(in the middle of town, Allstar's depressed)
Casey: *her and the otehrs swim to him* Allstar, Allstar!
Allstar: *sad* Oh, hi gang.
Casey: Allstar, the swordfish!
Dimmy: It's headin' out beyond the limits!
Daffney: *gasps* Poor Occy!
Casey: If we don't do something quick, Occy and his girlfriend are in big trouble!
Allstar: *realizes* The Silverfish! We'll take my Uncle Gallio's ship, and take care of that swordfish ourselves!
Dimmy: *salutes* Ready for action, Skipper!
Allstar: *swims out with others* Then let's go!
(meanwhile, the snorks see Occy and the girlfriend barely escaping the swordfish once more)
Casey: Look, there's the swordfish!
Allstar: Open the Snork Scoop!
Dimmy: Ay yai, Allstar! *it opens, and Occy and the swordfish follow it*
(back in dry land, the fisherman's ship moves, thinking he got a really big one)
Casey: He's taking us down too fast!
Allstar: Let go, and back up! *do so*
Casey: He let go of the line. *all follow Occy*
(now back inside the Silverfish, Occy licks everyone there)
Daffney: Oh Occy!
Allstar: *laughs* I missed you too, Occy!
Occy: *grabs a hold of his "girlfriend" with love*
Daffney: Aww!
Occy: *watches the lure break in front of him, and he cries*
Dimmy: I knew it - it's a fake!
Casey: That line must be connected to something - *points* up there!
Allstar: *as Occy sheds more tears* My Uncle Gallio is right - there is soemthing in dry space!
Casey: We better take this back to Dr. Gallio as evidence.
Daffney: Poor Occy!
Allstar: *with hook* This thing looks dangerous. We better get rid of it. *do so with the Snork Scoop*
Dimmy: That's that! Let's head for home!
Tooter: *points to something out the window, and they all swim towards it*
Allstar: *sees swordfish dangling for life* Oh no, it's caught on that hook!
Daffney: The poor thing, we've gotta help it!
Allstar: Okay then! Powered about! *cuts the hook with the Silverfish and frees the swordfish*
Casey: There he goes!
Daffney: *gasps* It's coming back!
(the swordfish meets eye to eye with them in the Silverfish)
Casey: It likes us now!
Allstar: It's greatful! I think we have a new friend!
(back in town, standing behind a rock)
Governor Wetworth: Ooh, what's that octopi, octopu, what's that thing doing here?! They're banished!
Dimmy: Yeah, but for how long??
Governor Wetworth: Until that swordfish leaves us in peace!
Allstar: *pats it* Oh, he's peaceful, alright.
(the swordfish is now an attraction at the carnival)
Governor Wetworth: *pale* I, that is, -- *faints*
Occy: *depressed and leaves, only to find a real purple, female octopus, and they kiss each other*
(meanwhile, the fisherman is still sitting in his boat, waiting for his perfect catch)
Fisherman: It's getting mighty late. *pulls lure in* Well, Sydney, you got away again. Eh, I guess I'll just have to come back tomorrow.
(c) 1984 Hanna-Barbera and SEPP International