- A Farewell of Arms
- A Farewell of Arms/Transcript
- A Hard Day's Snork
- A Hard Day's Snork/Transcript
- A Sign Of the Tides
- A Sign Of the Tides/Transcript
- A Snork In a Guilded Cage
- A Snork In a Guilded Cage/Transcript
- A Snork On the Wild Side
- A Snork On the Wild Side/Transcript
- A Snorking We Will Go
- A Snorking We Will Go/Transcript
- A Starfish Is Born
- A Starfish Is Born/Transcript
- A Willie Scary Shalloween
- A Willie Scary Shalloween/Transcript
- After School
- Al
- Alan Burnett
- Alan Oppenheimer
- Alan Swayze
- All's Whale That Ends Whale
- All's Whale That Ends Whale/Transcript
- All That Glitters Is Not Goldfish
- All That Glitters Is Not Goldfish/Transcript
- All That Glitters Isn't Goldfish/Transcript
- Allstar's Allstar Band
- Allstar's Allstar Band/Transcript
- Allstar's Double Trouble
- Allstar's Double Trouble/Transcript
- Allstar's Freshwater Adventure
- Allstar's Freshwater Adventure/Transcript
- Allstar's Last Hour
- Allstar's Last Hour/Transcript
- Allstar's Odyssey
- Allstar's Odyssey/Transcript
- Allstar-Junior Relationship
- Allstar Seaworthy
- Allstar and Casey's Relationship
- Andrea Romano
- Angus McSquid
- Arte Johnson
- B.J. Ward
- Barry Gordon
- Battle Of the Gadgets
- Battle of the Gadgets/Transcript
- Berny Wolf
- Betty G. Birney
- Big City Snorks
- Big City Snorks/Transcript
- Bigweed
- Bob Goe
- Bob Holt
- Brian Cummings
- Cam Clarke
- Camp Snorkawumpa
- Candace Howerton
- Carl Urbano
- Casey Kelp
- Casey and the Doubleheader
- Casey and the Doubleheader/Transcript
- Casey in Sandland
- Casey in Sandland/Transcript
- Celia
- Charles M. Howell IV
- Chickens of the Sea
- Chickens of the Sea/Transcript
- Chief Featherfin
- Chills, Drills and Spills
- Chills, Drills and Spills/Transcript
- Chris Otsuki
- Chub Bailly
- Chuck Couch
- Chuck McCann
- Clive Revill
- Come Along With the Snorks
- Corky
- Council of Elders
- Cynthia Friedlob
- Daffney's Not So Great Escape
- Daffney's Not So Great Escape/Transcript
- Daffney's Ransom
- Daffney's Ransom/Transcript
- Daffney Gillfin
- Das Boot
- Das Boot/Transcript
- David Schwartz
- Davy Snorkett
- Day Of the Juniors
- Day of the Juniors/Transcript
- Diane Michelle
- Dick Erdman
- Dimmy Finster
- Dimmy and Daffney's Relationship
- Ditto
- Don Lusk
- Don Patterson
- Dr. Fish
- Dr. Gallio
- Dr. Strangesnork's Bomb
- Dr. Strangesnork's Bomb/Transcript
- Dr. Strangesnork/Transcript
- Dr. Strangesnork (character)
- Dr. Strangesnork (episode)
- Ebb
- Edie McClurg
- Elenor Burian-Mohr
- Ember
- Ernie Contreras
- Esky
- Evelyn A-R Gabai
- Fairy Snork Mother
- Fine Fettered Friends
- Fine Fettered Friends/Transcript
- Finneus
- First Snork In Space
- First Snork In Space/Transcript
- Francis Novier
- Frank Nelson
- Frank Welker
- Freddy Monnickedam
- Fredricka Weber
- Freeze Save Our Town
- Freeze Save Our Town/Transcript
- Gail Matthius
- George Atkins
- George Kelp
- Gerald Baldwin
- Gills Just Wanna Have Fun
- Gills Just Wanna Have Fun/Transcript
- Glenn Leopold
- Gordon Bressack
- Gordon Hunt
- Governor Wetworth
- Grandpa Wetworth
- Great Snork Nork
- Greedypus
- Guess What's Coming To Dinner?/Transcript
- Guess What's Coming to Dinner!
- Hal Rayle
- Heffalump
- Hobbs
- Hooked On a Feeling
- Hooked On a Feeling/Transcript
- How the Snork Was Won
- How the Snork Was Won/Transcript
- Howard Morris
- Howard Stevens
- Hugo
- I'll Be Senior
- I'll Be Senior/Transcript
- I Squid You Not
- I Squid You Not/Transcript
- Ice Wizard
- Icky, Sticky, and Blicky
- In Greed We Trust
- In Greed We Trust/Transcript
- In Junior's Image
- In Junior's Image/Transcript
- Irene
- It's Always Darkest Before the Snork
- It's Always Darkest Before the Snork/Transcript
- It's Just a Matter of Slime
- It's Just a Matter of Slime/Transcript
- Jack Angel
- Jane Flounder
- Jaws Say the Word
- Jaws Say the Word/Transcript
- Jean Barbera
- Jean McCurdy
- Jean Vander Pyl
- Jeff Doucette
- Jennifer Darling
- Jerry Dexter
- Jim Cummings
- Jim Pfanner
- JoJo
- JoJo in Control
- JoJo in Control/Transcript
- Joan Gardner
- Joanie Gerber
- Joe Barbera
- Joe Ruskin
- Joey
- John Bates
- John Boraccorsi
- John Bradford
- John Hanrahan
- John Semper
- Journey To the Source
- Journey To the Source/Transcript
- Junior's Empire
- Junior's Empire/Transcript
- Junior's Fuelish Kelp Rush
- Junior's Fuelish Kelp Rush/Transcript
- Junior's Octopuppy
- Junior's Octopuppy/Transcript
- Junior's Secret
- Junior's Secret/Transcript
- Junior Wetworth
- Kathleen Freeman
- Kelp-Helpers
- Ken Sansom
- Kevin Hopps
- King Neptune
- Kristina Mazzotti
- Lane Raichert
- Laren Bright
- Larry Latham
- Laurel Page
- Laurie Faso
- Learn To Love Your Snork/Transcript
- Learn to Love Your Snork
- Learn to Love Your Snork/Transcript
- Lester
- Let's Snork a Happy Song
- Lil Seaweed
- Lisa Maliani
- List of Episodes
- List of Locations
- List of Species
- Little Lord Occy
- Little Lord Occy/Transcript
- Long John Wetworth
- Lord Snorkington
- Lucky
- M.R. Wells
- Marilyn Lightstone
- Marina
- Mark Seidenberg
- Mark Young
- Marshall Efron
- Mary Jo Ludin
- Maryann Chinn
- Matilda
- Me JoJo, You Daffney
- Me JoJo, You Daffney/Transcript
- Michael Bell
- Michael Rye
- Miriam Flynn
- Misty Stewart-Taggart
- Mitzi McCall
- Moby Snork
- Molly
- Moose
- Movie
- Mr. Billson
- Mr. Seaworthy
- Mr. and Mrs. Finster
- Mr. and Mrs. Shellby
- Mrs. Fisher
- Mrs. Kelp
- Mrs. Seaworthy
- Mrs. Wetworth
- Ms. Buckfish
- Ms. Seabottom
- Ms. Valetta
- Mummy Snorkest
- Mummy Snorkest/Transcript
- My Dinner With Allstar
- My Dinner With Allstar/Transcript
- Nancy Cartwright
- Neal Barbera
- Nebula
- Nessie
- Never Cry Wolf-Fish
- Never Cry Wolf-Fish/Transcript
- Nic Broca
- Nightmare on Snorkstreet
- Nightmare on Snorkstreet/Transcript
- Now You Seahorse, Now You Don't
- Now You Seahorse, Now You Don't/Transcript
- Nurse Rockbottom
- Occy
- Octonaughty
- Officer Futura
- Oh Brother!
- Oh Brother!/Transcript
- Ooze Got the Snorks
- Ooze Got the Snorks/Transcript
- Ork
- P.T. Bass
- Pam Hayden
- Patricia Alice Albrecht
- Paul Kirby
- Pearlene
- Percy
- Peter Cullen
- Peter Renaday
- Polly
- Prehissnorkic
- Prehissnorkic/Transcript
- Prince Eli
- Princess Alexandria
- Professor Kelp
- Professor Plankton
- Quarterpus
- Rahji
- Ranger Ripple
- Ray Parker
- Ray Patterson
- Red and Ed
- Reefberry Madness
- Reefberry Madness/Transcript
- Rene Auberjonois
- Rhyme and Punishment
- Rhyme and Punishment/Transcript
- Rich woman
- Rick Snork
- Rip Taylor
- Rob Paulsen
- Robert C. Carmel
- Robert Ridgely
- Robin Snork
- Robin Snork/Transcript
- Robosnork
- Robosnork/Transcript
- Roger DeWitt
- Roger Rose
- Ronnie Schell
- Rosie
- SNIP and SNAP (characters)
- Salmon Chanted Evening
- Salmon Chanted Evening/Transcript
- Samantha "Sam" Waters
- Sand Witch
- Sandy
- Sandy Fries
- Sea Pirate
- Sea Shore Sideshow
- Sea Shore Sideshow/Transcript
- Seabiscuit
- Seagypt
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Seastar
- Seaturn
- Selette Cole
- Serena
- Sharif
- Sharon Painter
- Shellshock
- Shorty