"Nightmare on Snorkstreet" is the 24th episode of Season 4. Allstar and his friends play monster after getting the latest issue of Sea Science Annual, but the monsters they portray turn out to be very real.
All the snorks are playing monster one afternoon while they anxiously await for their Monster Monthly Magazine. However, the snail mail messes up and gives them Sea Science Annual instead. They read through it and learn that their "mythical monsters" are possibly real, and that they could take over life during a Blue Moon on the Moon Flower Lagoon Vortex. They decide to put all that aside and visit the Old Petrified Sandcastle to play their games. Allstar dresses as Octostein, Junior as Wereclaw, Daffney as a vampire-bat ray, and Casey as King Tuten-Shark's mummy. However, their monsters come out of the Blue Moon sleep after 1,000 years and take over town. Allstar believes Casey's polluting the town, Daffney believes Junior's doing the same, and vice versa.
They soon learn that their monsters are real, and so they try to hide from them. They try hiding when their individual mosnters pop out. However, Allstar's trying to find any books on the so-called "monster millenium" phenomenon. He can't find anything except in the magazine, where he reads that a spell needed to be said to stop the mosnters from taking control, but it's in the tomb of King Tuten-Shark's mummy. He gets it while the others are tied up in a lab, about to turn into mosnters themselves. The spell is stated and they're all cured. As all this went on, Occy spent some time with Octostein and made friends with him, hence the "Frankenstein" reference.
Sea Science Annual - the magazine that started it all
Background Info[]
This marks the first reference to the Bermuda Triangle in the entire series