"Tooter Loves Tadah" is the 12th episode of Season 3. Tooter falls for the new tooting snork named Tadah, but she is being cotnrolled by a large snork named Tubah, so both compete for her affection before the big school dance.
The Snorkland High (or Kelpmore High) band is rehearsing their musical number for the big dance that's coming up when Junior stops the music over how they need a new vibe. Pretty soon, Tadah - another tooting snork from the town of Snork Fort - comes in with her "boyfriend" Tubah, who has a huge sonic snork. Tooter instantly falls for her, but Tubah doesn't think he's good enough for her.
Tooter gets really angry, so Daffney suggests he build a giant sandcastle to impress Tadah so she would forget about Tubah. However, Tubah sees it and destroys it on impact, and then he challenges him to a race around the lagoon, meaning the winner would take Tadah to the school dance. However, the catch is that Tubah can't use his sonic snork to cheat, but he decides to cheat by trapping Tooter with it anyway. Junior is the first one to know besides Tooter because he saw what was going on. Meanwhile the others don’t know that. When Tubah and then Tooter got to Junior’s judge tower, Junior is about to give Tubah a piece of his mind and let Tooter win. However Tubah’s intimidating ways is frightening Junior, so Junior gives in and allows Tubah to win, much to Tooter’s dismay.
They visit Gallio for some advice on romance, and he gives him the Tootah Blaster to enhance his tooting. While Tadah is still being used by Tubah, Tooter blasts Tubah. Tadah gets angry becuase Tooter was acting just like Tubah.
At the kelp burger, Tooter is upset that Tadah doesn’t trust him. His friends try to cheer him up. However, since Tubah is gone, Junior feels comfortable to tell the group what really happened. Tooter actually did win the race and Tubah cheated. Junior only said that because Tubah‘s approach was way too intimidating. The others we’re not happy with Junior and they decided throw him out and he landed in the garbage dumpster much to his dismay.
Then Tooter has to go save Tadah and Tubah about to be eaten by a giant clam. Since he has saved her, Tubah lets her go to the dance with him, and the two tooting snorks dance happily together.
Competing for Tadah's love
Background Info[]
Tadah's and Tubah's only appearance in the series
This episode also marks the second time Tooter has an actual love interest in the show, the first time was in Hooked on a Feeling where Tooter is with a lavender snork with blonde hair.
This is also the only time where all of the snorks perform in a band together
Memorable Quotes[]
Junior: Oh don't be a sore loser, Tooter. I'm the judge, and I declare Tubah the winner!
Tooter: *sticks his tongue out at him*
Junior: Well now that that big lummux Tubah is history, I might as well confess.
Allstar: What are you talking about, Junior?
Junior: Tubah really did use his sonic snork to win the race. I saw the whole thing. *all glare at him* I just had to keep my mouth shut, or he would've sonic snorked me into the sand.
(all throw him out)
Junior: *landed in the trash can* Well, that's gratitude for ya!
This episode marks another time the high school was called Kelpmore High instead of Snorkland High
Rough transitions are seen throughout the episode
Before the race begins, Tooter has on a white shirt
Allstar can also be seen with white sleeves at one point
Near the end, Daffney's hair is pink
The snorks performing in a band together could be a reference to the Archie Comics, which also bear some similarities to the snorks throughout the series