(everyone in Snorkland is having some fun around town - even the gang is playing frisbee)
Allstar: Go get it, Occy!
Occy: *excitedly chases after it*
Dimmy: That a boy, Occy!
Tooter: *cheers for him*
Snork with leash: Easy, boy!
(meanwhile, Governor Wetworth is making another speech)
Governor Wetworth: My fellow snorks, as your beloved Gov -- honorable Governor, it gives me great *Occy swims past* Alright! Who's octopus is that?
Junior: It's Allstar Seaworthy's, dad.
Governor Wetworth: I should've known! Allstar, one of these days!
Casey: Look at Junior! He just loves getting you in trouble!
Allstar: Well actually, Casey, Occy is my responsibility. *Occy runs into him*
Governor Wetworth: Now, what was I? Oh, I now declare this bridge open! *Mrs. Wetworth whispers in his ear* It's not the bridge? Oh, of course! I know, I know! I hearby proclaim today to be Tuesday!
Snorks: Huh?!
Mrs. Wetworth: What the Governor wants to say is, free plankburgers for everybody!
Snorks: Free plankburgers! Yay! *all go get some*
Governor Wetworth: I always did know how to move a crowd.
Mrs. Wetworth: That's why you're the Governor, dear.
(everyone in town goes to a plankburger stand to get their free meals)
Snork 1: Two snorkburgers, please.
Vendor: You got 'em. How many for you?
Snork 2: Four, please.
Tooter: *toots for ten plankburgers*
Vendor: Ten plankburgers, comin' up!
Tooter: *excitedly brings them over to a table, where they eat with the Seaworthys*
Dimmy: Nice work, Tooter!
Allstar: It was pretty nice for the Governor to give out free plankburgers, huh mom?
Mrs. Seaworthy: I wonder what he's up to. It's not lke him to give away free anything.
Governor Wetworth: And now, my fellow snorks!
Allstar: Uh oh, here it comes!
Governor Wetworth: May I have your undiv -- complete attention, please! Please!
Allstar: This oughta be good!
Tooter: *agrees with him*
(all this time, Casey uses her new crayons to draw Governor Wetworth as a clown)
Governor Wetworth: Citizens of Snorkland, just as you've reached in your hearts, to accept my offerings of free plankburgers --
Casey: Hmm, guess I lost my red crayon.
Governor Weworth: I'm sure you will reach into your pockets to pay the small additional tax to cover the expense of this inspirational monument! This great moneyment, I mean monument, will reawaken that respectful authority, on which this great civilization was founded! *unveils it, and while it's just of him, the snorks laugh at the red drawings covered all over it*
Smallstar: *giggles* Funny face! Funny face!
Mrs. Seaworthy: Baby Smallstar, shh!
Governor Wetworth: What's the meaning of this? Who's responsible for this outrage?! Whoever did this is in big trouble!
Junior: I wouldn't be a bit surprised, daddy, if the culprits were Allstar and his gang!
Willie: And his gang!
Tooter: *angry*
Junior: In fact, I'll bet it was Tooter!
Willie: It was Tooter!
(all have ice cream sundaes at Gallio's later)
Gallio: So, somebody scribbled on old Wetworth's new peortait. That could mean trouble.
Casey: I wonder who did it.
Gallio: Hmm, this could be very serious indeed. Wetworth would like nothing better than to get something off friends of mine.
Casey: But we didn't do it.
Gallio: I know that. But how can we get the Governor to believe it?
Allstar: What about if we clean it up? Will that make him happy?
Gallio: Nothing will make him happy. But it's worth a try.
(all clean it up later that same evening)
Allstar: *watching Occy scrub* That a boy, Occy! Keep scrubbing!
Casey: I'll say one thing - whoever did that scribbling sure could use some art lessons.
Occy: *all done and exhaused*
Allstar: Wow, look at the time! Come on, Casey, I'll walk ya home!
Casey: Oh great, Allstar, let's go!
Daffney: I'll walk ya home, Dimmy!
Dimmy: Okay, if you wanna, Daffney.
All: Goodnight, Tooter!
Tooter: *moans as he walks by himself - he then finds Casey's red crayon and scribbles on a shell with it, unfortunately being caught by Junior*
Junior: Aha! Caught in the act! I suspected you all along!
Willie: All along!
Tooter: *proves his innocence*
Junior: *takes the crayon* The evidence! After my father takes you before the Council of Elders, you'll be lucky to get off with 20 years at hard labor! And I'll be a hero! *laughs* See ya in court! Bye bye, Tooter!
Willie: Bye Tooter!
(Governor Wetworth and everyone else visit the Council of Elders)
Elder 1: We have read your accusation of the defendant, One Tooter Shellby. You have accused him of disrespectful authority!
Elder 2: Defacing public property!
Elder 3: Resisting arrest!
Governor Wetworth: And making funny noises!
Casey: That's not so!
Allstar: Tooter's innocent!
Dimmy: It's a frame up!
Daffney: Tooter's a good snork!
Governor Wetworth: *takes out crayon* This red crayon alone proves my case!
Elder 1: Will the defendant Tooter Shellby please step forward?
Allstar: Where is he?
Casey: He's not here!
(Mr. and Mrs. Shellby step up before the Elders)
Mr. Shellby: Your heiness, your very heiness, we are Tooter's parents.
Mrs. Shellby: *cries* He's such a good little snork.
Mr. Shellby: He left this note. He says, "I'm not guilty. But how can I make anyone understand me? So, I'm running away. I love you, Tooter."
(other snorks in the audience cry, but Governor Wetowrth doesn't care)
Governor Wetworth: Aha! Running away is incontrafalicable proof of his guilt! I rest my case!
Mrs. Shellby: *cries* Oh, my poor little Tooter!
Elder 1: Silence! We have heard all of the testimony!
Elder 2: We will now retire to consider the evidence!
Elder 3: To deliberate our verdict!
Elder: *holds out plankburger* And, to eat lunch!
(all are now at Gallio's)
Allstar: If I know Tooter, he's probably hiding out in that big empty shell.
Dimmy: At the Western Limits?!
Daffney: Oh, I hope not!
Casey: There's a dangerous current out there!
Gallio: Oh, the poor boy could be killed!
Allstar: Uncle Gallio, there's only one way to save him before it's too late - the Silverfish!
Gallio: Oh, no no no no no! It's much too dangerous! The ship hasn't been tested yet! But on the other hand, oh, the poor boy! Well, do you promise not to go Beyond the Limits?
Allstar: I promise, Uncle Gallio. We won't take any unnecessary risks.
(Tooter's going to the shell when the current blows him off - in the meantime, the Elders have returned)
Council of Elders: We have reached a verdict! We find the defendant --
Police Officer: Governor Wetworth, Governor Wetworth! *whispers in his ear*
Council of Elders: What is the meaning of this???
Governor Wetworth: Your excellencies! Uh, it seems that it appears that someone has drawn anotehr moustache on my portrait!
Mrs. Shellby: Then Tooter is innocent!
Council of Elders: Case dismissed!
Snorks in audience: YAY!!!!
(meanwhile, the snorks use the Silverfish to go find Tooter)
Daffney: We're approaching the Western Limits, Allstar! Be careful of the currents!
Allstar: Casey, how's the steam pressure?
Casey: It's running low, Allstar. There it is - the big shell!
Allstar: We better send our scout to sniff around, Dimmy.
Dimmy: *releases Occy* Ay yai, captain! Scout released!
Occy: *sniffs around but then returns*
Daffney: He's found Tooter! I know he has!
Occy: *only reutnrs with Totoer's things*
Daffney: Oh no! Poor Tooter!
Allstar: This can only mean one thing!
Casey: He must've fallen over the edge!
Dimmy: I say we go after him!
Allstar: Hang on then! Here we go! *go after him with the Silverfish*
(Totoer's trying to defend himself as a giant crab tries to snatch him)
Dimmy: We can't take much mroe pressure!
Casey: There's Tooter! But look!
Allstar: Oh no!
Dimmy: Hang on, Tooter!
Allstar: Ready? Shellshooter!
Dimmy: *pulls lever* Shellshooter ready!
Allstar: Fire One! *shoots it at crab! Fire Two! *shoots it again, causing it to fall down into a burrow and Tooter trying not to do the same* Open the Snork Scoop! *snatches Tooter back into the Silverfish* Oh, for crying out loud, Tooter! Don't ever do this again!
Casey: We couldn't stand it!
Dimmy: Glad to see ya, Toot!
Daffney: I was really worried about you! *kisses him on the cheek*
Tooter: *all happy now*
(back in town, everyone cheers for his return and he cries and hugs his parents)
Mr. Shellby: Welcome home, Toot!
Tooter: *cries again*
(Casey's drawing with some new crayons)
Casey: That's funny. I can't find my new red crayon.
Mrs. Seaworthy: *cries* Oh, baby! Baby Smallstar is missing!
Allstar: Don't worry, mom, I'll find her! *looks up* Well I'll be a seamonkey's uncle! There she is! *catches her drawing on the monument and brings her down* Sorry, Governor. But, you know how babies are.
Governor Wetworth: I'll tell you how babies are! They're a pain in the --
Smallstar: *cries*
Mrs. Wetworth: There there, baby. The Governor forgives you. Now kiss and make up. *she does just that*
Daffney: Yuck! Here comes the kiss! *kiss*
Casey: *giggles* Look at the make-up!
Smallstar: *after drawing on his face* Funny face! Funny face! *giggles*
(c) 1984 Hanna-Barbera and SEPP International