Which Snork Snitched/Transcript[]
(View Snorkland Stadium, where a huge game is taking place - Allstar and Casey are in uniform, stretching together)
Allstar: Junior's team is still ahead. We can tie them if Dimmy and I win our events.
(Meanwhile, Daffney's coaching Dimmy)
Daffney: You can do it, Dimmy. I know you can.
Dimmy: *tries lifting weights*
Daffney: You can do it, Demetrius.
Dimmy: *tries desperately to lift high* Don't - call - me - that! *finally lifts it high then fall over*
Daffney: *hugs him* Oh Dimmy, you did it! A new record!
Referee: We got a snork jumper ready to go. You wanna move that barbell?
Daffney: You must be tired, Dimmy. I'll get it.
(She picks it up with ease, suprising Dimmy and making him fall over again)
Junior: Well if it isn't Mr. Allwet! After I beat you at snorknastics, I may be a good sport and invite you to the winner's part, and to play pin-the-tail on the loser! *laughs*
Tooter: *sticks his tongue out at him*
Casey: You better watch your step, Junior.
Junior: Thanks. I'll remember that. *bumps into Willie carrying his stuff, making those in the audience laugh*
(now the games begin)
Casey: It's up to you now, Allstar.
Dimmy: If you win, we're the champs.
Allstar: I'll try my best. *swings, flips over, and back to more swinging - then it's Junior's turn* Good luck, Junior.
Junior: I don't need luck, I have talent. *Willie bumps into him and Junior's hanigng upside down* Get me down!
Casey: Junior was right - that took talent!
Junior: *blushes angrily as everyone else laughs at him*
(Now it's the trampoline games - everyone cheers for Allstar as he wins with ease)
Casey: Great job, Allstar!
Junior: *with boxes* If at first you don't succeed, cheat! *laughs*
Willie: Cheat! *laughs*
Junior: *jumps high in the sky with his shoes*
Allstar: That's some jump!
Casey: I smell a ratfish!
Junior: *as he flies out of the stadium* The only way to fly! Yikes! I can't stop!
Allstar: Let's go! *all swim to his aid*
Daffney: Where is he?
Casey: I could've sworn --
Junior: *inside a clam* Let me out of here! Don't jsut stand there! Help!
Allstar: It's Junior! He's in the clam!
Junior: Hurry! It's - ugh - clammy in here! *Alsltar and Dimmy open the clam, releasing him* I won, right?
Dimmy: Wrong! Allstar did! You were disqualified!
Allstar: Better luck next time, Junior!
Junior: Ooh, I'll teach them to laugh at me! A Wetworth doesn't get mad, he gets even! *clam locks him again* Let me go! Let me go!
(The next day, Junior and Willie are wlaking out of a pet store)
Daffney: *walks over to them* Hi, Junior. What's in the package?
Junior: Wouldn't YOU like to know? They'll find out soon enough! *laughs*
Willie: Soon enough! *laughs*
(Now at Dr. Gallio's lab)
Gallio: At last, at last! *drinks out of a small cup* Ah! Would anyone else like some tea?
Allstar: No thanks, Uncle Gallio. Can you help me with my invention?
Gallio: Yes, yes, of course. Let's take a look at it. *reveals a mechanical blowfish*
(confused snorks, and then Tooter demonstrates by blowing himself up)
Allstar: You're right, Tooter, it does look like a blowfish. That's why I call it Project Blowfish. I plan to launch it into dry space.
Snorks: *in awe*
Dimmy: How do you fit into it?
Allstar: Oh no, Dimmy, it's not designed for passengers. *opens the compartment* After it's launched, it'll collect samples of dry space and return them to Snorkland, so Uncle Gallio and I can study them. When should we launch it, Uncle Gallio?
Gallio: *Polly the parrotfish shows up* Well, since we can't let the Governor find out about it, I suggest early tomorrow morning, before anyone in Snorkland is awake, from the high ridge near the western limit.
(The next morning at the high ridge)
Allstar: *as it goes up* 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, lift off!
Snorks: Hooray!
Casey: I wonder what it'll find.
Daffney: Do you think it'll ever come back?
Allstar: Well, as my Uncle Gallio says, what comes up, --
Junior: Must come down!
Snorks: Junior!
Occy: *growls at him*
Allstar: What are you doing here?
Casey: Yeah?
Junior: *picks up a sea flower and smells it* It's such a beautiful morning. I thought I'd come enjoy the view.
Allstar: Did you, uh, see anything?
Junior: Me? No, I didn't see anything.
Snorks: Phew!
Junior: Just Project Blowfish!
Snorks: Huh?!
Junior: I'm sure my father, the governor, will find it very interesting! *he leaves*
Casey: How could Junior have known?
Dimmy: Maybe it's just a lucky guess.
Tooter: *toots he doesn't know, either*
Casey: If you ask me, Project Blowfish just sprang a leak.
(Now a basketball game takes place - Dimmy makes a basket, as well)
Daffney: Good job, Dimmy!
Allstar: Okay, team, I wanna be sure we win the big game tonight!
Dimmy: I'd sure like to show that Junior up!
Allstar: *Polly shows up again* We can't lose with my new secret weapon. *Occy plays eight balls with his tentacles* No, Occy, not you. *holds up a diagram* My secret weapon is called the Old Snork Statue Play. Look at this diagram Casey drew. Now, I fade back to pass, and Dimmy circles around, and -- *Polly leaves again*
(The score was 53-51, but Junior makes a hoop, tying the score)
Allstar: Now's the time for the Old Snork Statue Play.
Casey: Let's go!
Junior: How's it feel to lose?
Allstar: I don't know, Junior. You'll have to tell me sometime. *grabs the ball, but Junior grabs it and shoots through the hoop, making him win*
Announcer: And the game is over! Junior's team win! Junior read that play perfectly!
Daffney: It's more like he read our minds!
Dimmy: I don't mind losing, I just hate to see Junior win!
Allstar: There's only one way Junior could've known about the Snork Statue Play - and Project Blowfish! Somebody told him!
Casey: But which snork snitched?
(All are eating ice cream at the parlor the next day)
Allstar: I know I didn't tell Junior, and the rest of you say you didn't tell Junior, and Tooter can't tell Junior, so the problem is - who told Junior?
Casey: We're the only ones that knew.
Allstar: I just hope we don't let my Uncle Gallio down. If Junior finds out about Project Splashdown, we're all in big trouble.
Daffney: You mean the blowfish is coming back down?
Allstar: *he and the others shh her* Uncle Gallio wants us to meet at his lab in one hour. Remember, don't talk to anyone about it.
Casey: Especially Junior. *Polly the Parrotfish leaves*
(Now at the Wetworth house...)
Governor Wetworth: We Wetworths have always been superior sportsmen, son.
Polly: Polly want a seaweed cracker!
Junior: Easy, Polly. Now, tell me what you've heard.
Polly: Blowfish coming back down! Gallio's lab! Don't tell Junior!
Governor Wetworth: Junior, do you mean to tell me that you've been using your pet parrotfish to reco -- recu -- to spy?!
Junior: Yes, dad.
Governor Wetworth: Oh, I wish I'd thought of that.
Junior: That's how I found out about Allstar's secret invention. Polly says the blowfish is coming back down.
Governor Wetworth: Hmm, if I only knew WHERE it was coming back down.
Junior: We could catch them in the act --
Governor Wetworth: And put a stop to those dangerous adventures once and for all!
Junior: Go to Gallio's lab, Polly! Spy on Allstar! *Polly heads over there* Soon, that goody-goody Allstar will be in big trouble - and I, Junior Wetworth, will be a hero!
(At the lab...)
Gallio: *demosntrating the plan with a map* Now, if my calculations are correct, Blowfish will splash down exactly --
Allstar: Wait a minute Uncle Gallio, maybe you shouldn't tell us!
Casey: Yeah, sure haven't been able to keep a secret!
Daffney: You'd think one of us is a snitch!
Gallio: Nonsense! There has to be some other explanation! You all are fine, outstanding young snorks! I trust each and every one of you.
Dimmy: *pats stomach* Oh, I know what would make me feel better!
Gallio: I'm sorry, Dimmy, all I can offer you is some stale seaweed crackers. *holds one* Here you are, Dim --
Polly: Oh, I want a seaweed cracker!
Daffney: Aw, how cute, it's a parrotfish! Give it a cracker, Dr. Gallio!
Polly: *eats it* Spy on Allstar! Blowfish back down! I Junior Wetworth hero!
Allstar: That's how Junior did it!
Casey: Now I remember seeing that parrotfish around!
Gallio: You see? I told you there was an explanation.
Dimmy: *pulls up sleeve and clenches fist* Wait'll I get my hands on Junior!
Allstar: Wait, I have a better idea! Here's what we'll do, listen. *he whispers the plan to them, and they laugh about it*
(Polly returns to the Wetworth house)
Polly: Polly want a seaweed cracker!
Governor Wetworth: Feed it! Feed it!
Junior: *does so* Okay, Polly, what did you hear?
Polly: Blowfish coming down! Ink Farm! Ink Farm! Tomorrow!
Governor Wetworth: Perfect! We'll hide at the Ink Farm tomorrow and catch them in the act! Oh, you know, Junior, you may be governor yet!!
Junior: Aw, gee, thanks, dad!
(The next morning, Project Blowfish comes back down in a forest of seaweed)
Allstar: The blowfish landed just where Uncle Gallio said it would.
Casey: *laughs* We sure fooled Junior!
Dimmy: *laughs* That sure was a good idea, Allstar!
Daffney: *laughs* Feeding the wrong information to that parrotfish!
Allstar: *laughs* I wonder how Junior and the governor are doing at their visit to the Ink Farm!
All: *laugh simultaneously*
Polly: *shows up* What?!
(Meanwhile, Junior and Governor Wetworth are at the Ink Farm, trying to be careful and not disturb several sleeeping squid)
Governor Wetworth: *whispers* Now, we have to be completely quiet. These squid are very sensitive.
Polly: Fooled Junior! Perfect landing!
(The squid wake up and ink the Wetworths there)
Governor Wetworth: Do you know what this means, Junior??
Junior: Uh, no. What, dad?
Governor Wetowrth: No allowance for a year!!! *stomps away*
Polly: Polly want a seaweed cracker!
Junior: Ah, shut up!
(c) 1984 Hanna-Barbera and SEPP International