(All are at Junior's house packing for camp)
Daffney: *hums loudly*
Casey: Are you sure you packed the fishlight, Junior?
Junior: Huh? Oh, sure! I've handled everything, even this fishknife! Stop worrying, sheesh!
Allstar: *sees what Daffney's taking with her* Daffney, we're going camping! Why do you need all those high heeled shoes for?
Daffney: Oh Allstar, you silly, to go with all my evening gowns, of course!
Smallstar: Hi everybody!
Willie: I can' wait! Our first camp out!
Smallstar: Wee!
Junior: And just where do you think you two are going?
Willie: With all of you guys to camp out at Griffish Park!
Smallstar: Yeah!
Junior: Oh no you're not! You can't come with us! You're too little!
Willie: *jumps up on bed* We are too coming!
Smallstar: *does the same* Yeah!
Junior: No way!
Allstar: I'm sorry, but not this time, guys. You kids are just too little.
Willie: We are not! And we'll show you - we'll go on a better camp out!
Smallstar: Right!
Willie: Not to old Griffish Park, either! We won't even stay in Snorkland! *they laugh together*
Junior: *sarcastically* Right, sure you do that! *laughs* Imagine them coming on a camping trip with us! Ha!
(Willie and Smallstar are still in the room by themselves)
Willie: *pacing around* Just cause they say we're too small, doesn't mean we are too small!
Smallstar: Right!
Willie: We just have to be careful, that's all!
Smallstar: Right!
Willie: Well we can be just as careful as the big kids!
Smallstar: Right!
Willie: We can do it! Let's go!
Smallstar: Go where?
Willie: Camping!
Smallstar: Oh yeah! I ready, Willie!
(they actually look at the sign saying DANGER! LEAVING SNORKLAND - ENTER OCEAN AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
Smallstar: What sign say, Willie?
Willie: *reads it to her* Um, I don't know. Maybe it says, um, "have a nice day.
Smallstar: You have a nice day too! *giggles*
(Meanwhile, the snorks are setting up their tents at Griffish Park)
Junior: Darn tent! Must be soft ground! *holds it up* Now stay there! *it falls again* Eh, fooie!
Daffney: *using her curlers inside her large tent and humming to herself when the light goes out*
Eel: Sorry, kid! But I can't handle all them lights!
Daffney: Oh poo, my generator's busted! Casey, would you ask Junior for his fishlight, please?
Casey: Sure, just a sec. *leaves*
Daffney: Poor eelie-weelie, you take a nice rest.
(Junior's still setting up when Casey approaches him)
Junior: *to tent* Aha! There! That'll teach ya to mess with Junior Wetworth!
Casey: Junior, Daffney needs the fishlight.
Junior: Yeah, sure, no problem. I'll just *trips over tent, causing it to fall on him* Oh, ratfish! Okay, okay, just a second, it's right here! *fetches for backpack and searches inside it*
Casey: You forgot it, didn't you? Even after we reminded you, you forgot it!
Junior: No, no, no, no, it's in here, give me a minute! *dumps everything out and continues searching for it*
Daffney: So where's the fishlight already???
Junior: *realizes* Oh, now I remember where it is?
Daffney: Good! Where?
Junior: On the kitchen table where I put it so I wouldn't forget it. Oh, ratfish!
Casey: You better go get it!
Junior: Oh, it doesn't get that dark! Besides, --
Daffney: Junior!
Junior: Oh, alright! *leaves and returns to his house* Oh, some camp out! Darn girls! Who needs a fishlight, anyway?! *searches for it in the kitchen* Where is that darn thing? Willie, have you seen the fishlight? *realizes he's not responding* Willie! Hey, Willie! *runs into his room* Oh, there's the fishlight! *gets it off of his bed* But where's Willie and Smallstar? *sees the closet is completely empty* Oh no! Those stupid little kids have really done it! I better tell the others!
(Back at camp, Casey is watching Allstar set up his tent)
Junior: You're not gonna believe this! *trips over Allstar's tent, causing it to fall over too*
Casey: Believe what? That you're clumsy? Oh, I believe that!
Junior: No, smarty, the little kids are gone! And so is their camping gear and backpacks!
Allstar: Oh brother! Well, we better go find them before they get hurt.
Daffney: Oh great, there goes our camping trip!
Junior: *moans* Little kids can be such a pain!
(Meanwhile, Willie and Smallstar are searching for the perfect camping spot)
Willie: Those big kids think we can't do anything, but we'll show 'em!
Smallstar: Yeah, we show 'em!
Willie: *kncoking down some seaweed* We can have a good time camping! We don't always have to stay at home! They'll see!
Smallstar: Yeah!
(as they come across a large green fish trying to swallow them whole...)
Willie: Just because we're small, doesn't mean we can't do things too!
Fish: Huh?!
Willie: No, one, I mean no one, is gonna stop us from camping!
Smallstar: Yeah!
Willie: And that includes you! *the fish leaves, and their nod their heads, shake hands, and contineu their way*
(The snorks see the leaving Snorkland sign)
Daffney: *reading it* "Leaving Snorkland - Enter Ocean... At Your Own Risk?!" Ooh!
Allstar: *shaking and stuttering at the same time* D-don't be afraid. Be calm, l-like me!
Junior: Oh, when i get my hands on those kids! Oh, let's go! *they leave*
(Willie and Smallstar find a lava pit)
Willie: This looks liek a good spot. Let's camp out here.
Smallstar: *looks around* Okay.
Willie: *accidentally pokes out a giant crab* Huh? What do you want?!
Crab: Who? Me?
Willie: We can do just as many as the big kids! We're not as little as they think!
Smallstar: Yeah!
Willie: So unless you're here to help us set up, *to Smallstar* which I doubt, *back to crab* you'd better stay out of our way!
Smallstar: Yeah!
Crab: *leaves a little frightened*
Willie: After you!
Smallstar: Thank you! *giggles*
(The search is still on - actually, they're swimming away from a giant eel)
Allstar: Quick, this way! *all follow him into a cave*
Junior: Phew, safe from him now!
Daffney: *pants* Yeah! *gasps* but we're not safe from him! *a dark creature nears them* Here we go again!
Junior: Sheesh, the little kids must be fish food by now!
(But Willie and Smallstar are roasting marshmallows over the lava pit)
Willie: Gee, this is fun! Now I see why the big kids like camping.
Smallstar: Yeah, I bet they having lots of fun too!
(but they're still swimming away from a giant, ravenous fish)
Junior: Look! Over there! Follow me! *all go inside a lobster cage* Hurry! In here, everyone! *now locked in* Safe at last! Go on! Beat it, you big bully! *it won't give up at first, then it leaves* Well, I got us out of that fix! *tries freeing them* Uh oh, it's locked!
Allstar: Oh brother, a lobster trap! Way to go, Junior! you're a genius!
Junior: Relax, everybody, eh, it could be worse! *they move up towards dry space*
Casey: It's wrose!
Daffney: Oh, whatever folding development! I'm much too young and beautiful for lobster bait! But I know what to do - GET ME OUT OF HERE! HELP! HELP!
(Willie and Smallstar hear them from down below)
Willie: Uh oh - someone's in trouble!
Smallstar: We help?
Willie: Sure - come on! *they leave*
Junior: *tries methods of escaping, but fails*
Daffney: So this is how it ends - in my curlers! *wails*
(As they're being pulled upwards, Willie and Smallstar swim to their aid)
Junior: Willie, quick, get us out of here!
Willie: Junior, why are you in there?
Junior: This is no time for your dumb little questions! Get us out - NOW!
Willie: Who are you calling dumb, Junior?! You're always picking on me for being little!
Casey: Great time for a family discussion, Junior!
Junior: Uh, uh look, I'm sorry. I was just --
Willie: And you always treat me mean!
Smallstar: Yeah!
Junior: Okay, okay, I'll never call ya dumb again, and I'll never be mean. Now get us out of here!
Willie: No need to shout.
Smallstar: Yeah.
Willie: *pulls the lever and unlocks the door, the nfrees the snorks before they get out in dry land*
(back on the ground...)
Allstar: *with Willie and Smallstar by his side* Whoa! Well, thanks, guys.
(back at Junior's house)
Allstar: Hey we're sorry. We shouldn't have treated you bad just because you're little.
Smallstar: Right.
Willie: We knew we could do it - and now you do too. So, can we go on the next cam out?
Junior: No way!
(all glare at him)
Casey: *clears her throat* Junior...
Junior: Uh, uh, I mean, uh, uh no way we'd leave you too behind. *chuckles nervously*
Smallstar: Yeah! *her and Willie smile at each other*
(c) 1987 Hanna-Barbera and SEPP International